Καλό Καλοκαίρι!
Καλό Καλοκαίρι
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Συμμετρικές Ζωγραφιές στον Υπολογιστή
Με τη βοήθεια του προγράμματος Revelation Natural Art, φτιάξαμε συμμετρικές ζωγραφιές στον υπολογιστή:
Γιώργος Β., Χαράλαμπος Α.
Τα Αντίθετα Πλοία
Μαρίνα Ψ., Αλέξανδρος Γ., Ελίνα Ρ.
Το Χαρούμενο Καράβι
Ειρήνη Π., Κατερίνα Μ., Ελπίδα Ξ.
Η Καρδιά του Έρωτα
Γιώργος Β., Χαράλαμπος Α.
Το Πολύχρωμο Αστέρι
Η Πολύχρωμη Ζωγραφιά
Μόσχα Γ., Ηλιάνα Μπ.
Πουά Φιόγκος
Μόσχα Γ., Ηλιάνα Μπ.
Ο Κρυσταλλένιος Καταρράχτης
Παναγιώτης Μπ., Σύνθια Τζ., Αντώνης Δ.
Το Λουλούδι στον Κήπο
Ειρήνη Π., Κατερίνα Μ., Ελπίδα Ξ.
Το Βυθισμένο Πλοίο
Θεοφάνης Δ., Φοίβος Κ.
Ο Άνθρωπος
Δημήτρης Μ., Γιάννης-Μάριος Γκ.
Το Τρομερό Ναυάγιο
Ο Άνθρωπος
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Εργασία etwinning: The Museum of Markos Vamvakaris
The museum is situated in the birthplace of Markos
Vamvakaris, Ano Syros. In a typical traditional local house one can find
photos, documents and personal belongings of the great .Those were donated to
the museum by his relatives and are shown to the visitors of the museum.
One can see Markos Vamvakaris’ watch, his wedding
ring, the ring with the initials M.B., as well as numerous handwritten rough
pieces of paper with his songs.
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Εργασία etwinning: Markos Vamvakaris
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The most
characteristic representative of the kind of music called “Rembetiko” is Markos
Vamvakaris who was born in Ano Syros in 1905 and grew up in Pireus from the age
of 12. He learnt the bouzouki (the most representative Greek string instrument
with worldwide appeal) all by himself and started writing lyrics at the age of
He composed and recorded many songs and also
sang some characteristic “Rembetika” songs composed by others. His most
well-known song is “Fragosyriani”.
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Εργασία etwinning: Exhibition of Traditional Jobs and the Museum of Historical Archives
There the visitors can find objects and professional
tools, religious books (some of which are very old), formal documents and old
paintings. Some of these items are of great value, some others attract people
with special interests, especially those who are interested in old books and
paintings. Most of the items were given to the museum by residents of Ano
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