Ο δάσκαλος και οι μαθητές της Δ΄ τάξης σας εύχονται καλές γιορτές!
Καλά Χριστούγεννα!
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Εργασία e-twinning: Τα Χριστούγεννα στην πόλη μας
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Christmas customs in Syros
For Syros, as well as for whole Greece , Christmas is a very popular holiday. The streets are decorated with lights and bright decorations and the shops are full of customers. The central square of Hermoupoli is decorated with a big Christmas tree (except for this year as the tree is not standing in its usual place because it is torn out) and all the trees in the square as well as along the central streets glow with thousands of lights.
People decorate their houses with Christmas trees or a boat (which is more traditional) and they hang lights and decorations everywhere. They decorate their houses, their doors, their balconies or their gardens.
Some children send their letters to Santa Claus and they get their presents on Christmas Day or New Year’s Eve. Children usually sing carols in the street on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. They go from door to door and people give them money or sweets.
At Christmas the family eat together. They usually eat roast turkey or other kind of meat and they make traditional sweets such as “melomakarona”, “kourabiethes” and “diples”.
On the night of New Year’s Eve, the family have a feast again. They eat together and, at midnight, a few minutes after the changing of the year, they cut the New Year’s cake which is called “Vasilopita”. In the cake there is a coin. Whoever finds the coin in his or her piece is the “lucky” one of the New Year.
The same night whoever goes into the house first should use his or her right foot to get in! This is called “podariko” and they let the “lucky” one of the house do it(usually a child of the family)so that there will be luck in the house all through the year. They also break a pomegranate on the floor in front of their doors. The seeds that spread everywhere symbolize the thousands of good things that are going to happen to the family during the new year.
The 6 of January is the day of the Epiphany. It’s the day that Jesus was baptized in the river “Iordanis’. So the people in Syros gather near the sea where a priest throws a big cross in the water. Then a lot of young men dive in the water trying to find the cross. Whoever finds the cross is the “blessed” one of the year. He or she carries the cross on a tray and goes round the town all day so that everyone can get the blessing of the cross.
In the evening before the Epiphany, the children go round the town again singing carols. They are the only carols which are sung late in the afternoon as the sun is setting. Children carry lanterns with them which glow in the evening. The same day the priests go from house to house carrying a cross and a bunch of basil which they soak in blessed water and sprinkle in every room of each house in the town. This way every family gets the “blessing” of the New Year.
There are some traditional sweets that we make in Syros during the Christmas period. The most characteristic ones are “kourabiethes”, “melomakarona”, “diples” and “vasilopita”.
“Kourabiedes” are like round or egg-shaped cookies which are made with flour, milk butter, (which should be of very good quality), sugar, almonds and flower water. They are rolled in icing sugar and smell wonderful!
“Melomakarona” or “phoinekia” as they are called in Syros are made with semolina, flour, sugar, oil, orange juice, orange peel and brandy. They are flavoured with cinnamon and clove and they era given the shape of small cookies. After they are baked, they are put in thick syrop made with thyme honey and ground nuts.
“Diples” is another traditional sweet which smells of honey and cinnamon. They are made with flour, sugar, eggs and cinnamon. First we mix the ingredients and we get a thick batter. Then we fry them in very hot oil and they become like big crunchy crisps .We strain from the oil and pour honey and spread ground nuts all over them. They are delicious!
The most characteristic sweet of New Year’s Day is “Vasilopita”. Its name means the “pie of Saint Vasileios” because we celebrate Saint Vasileios’s Day on the first day of January. There are numerous variations for making the “Vasilopita”. The most favourite recipes are the “brioche” version and the “cake” version. In both versions you need flour, eggs, butter, sugar, orange juice, brandy, vanilla extract or mastic extract (for the brioche version), baking powder or yeast and in some cases nuts and raisins.
Of course you shouldn’t forget to put a coin in the dough before you get it in the oven. When it gets cold, it is iced with icing sugar and decorated with small Christmas ornaments. Some people write the number of the New Year on the surface, using chocolate or glaze.
This cake is cut just after midnight between the 31 of December and the 1 of January. In Syros , it is customary to cut the first pieces of “Vasilopita” for Jesus Christ, Saint Vasileios, Virgin Mary, “the poor man”, as well as one piece for the “house” of the family. After they have finished with these pieces, they start cutting one piece for every member of the family starting with the “lord” of the house( the father in the family) anticipating for the moment that someone will shout “I found it!” meaning that he or she has found the coin in their piece.
These are the most characteristic customs and traditional recipes about Christmas in Syros , Greece . We hope you will find them interesting.
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Our Town
Syros is an island in the middle of the Aegean Sea. It belongs to the islands of the Cyclades. Its capital, Hermoupolis, is also the capital of the district of southern Aegean Sea.
Syros is a small island with a population of 25.000 people. Hermoupolis, the capital, is its biggest town but there are also some villages like Ano Syros, Foinikas, Posedonia,Vari, Kini, Galissas etc.
The villages are very beautiful. Most of them are situated near the beach and a lot of people go there, especially in summer, to swim in the clear sea or eat at the seaside taverns.
Syros has got neither high mountains nor rivers or lakes. There are only some hills and fields where people grow fruits or vegetables. There aren’t many tall trees and there aren’t any forests. Almost half of the island is completely nude but, despite that, whoever reaches the island by sea is amazed by the beauty of the rocks which form a breathtaking landscape in combination with the colour of the sea and the sky.
In the villages there are simple one or two – storey houses with beautiful gardens and marvellous view to the sea. On the other hand, there are a lot of “neoclassical” houses. There are great mansions which, in the past, belonged (or still belong) to rich people who were the “aristocrats”, the top class of Syros. You can find such buildings in the villages of Poseidonia and Episkopion as well as in the town of Hermoupolis.
Hermoupolis is well-Known for its great architecture and its beautiful buildings. A characteristic sample of neoclassical architecture is the Town Hall of Hermoupolis which was built in 1898 designed by the great Bavarian architect Ernst Schiller. The marble-paved Hermoupolis square with the statue of Miaoulis and the marble platform of the 9 Muses in front of the Town Hall in the centre of the town.
There are also lots of nice churches. Some of them are Orthodox and some of them are Catholic because on the island there are Orthodox and Catholic people, as well.
A lot of visitors come to Syros during the summer. Some visitors are Greeks whole some others are foreign people. That’s why a lot of the local people are occupied in the tourist business. There are also a lot of civil servants because Hermoupolis is an administrative centre with a lot of public services. There are also a lot of tradesmen. After all, Hermoupols was named after the ancient God of Greek mythology, Hermes, who was the God of trade. Some others are fishermen while quite a lot of people work in “Neorion” shipyards which repairs ships or builds new ones.
Syros produces the best sweet delights, the famous “loukoumia”, in Greece, as well as “chalvadopites” or nugats. We also grow lots of fruits and vegetables and we produce honey, local wine and lot of other products.
This is our place! We like it very much and we will love it forever!
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Η τάξη μας συμμετέχει σε ένα πρόγραμμα e-twinning με θέμα τον πολιτισμό της πόλης μας. Μαζί μας συνεργάζονται σχολεία από την Πολωνία και την Τουρκία.
Σας παρουσιάζουμε την πρώτη μας εργασία που είχε θέμα το σχολείο μας:
The outside walls are yellow, orange and white. There is a huge public clock tower in the school yard as well as two trees and a garden. We have also got a shed under which we go when it rains.
Our school is quite big, one of the largest in Syros. It has got eight classrooms, the teachers’ office as well as the headmaster’s office. There is also a music room, a computer room, a multimedia room and a storeroom for the athletic equipment.
Our class is on the first floor. The view to the harbour is fantastic from our classroom! There is a nice stage for theatrical performances at the back whereas on the opposite side there is a huge door separating our classroom from the next classroom. When this door opens, the two classrooms become one big assembly hall.
We love our school because it is old so almost every member of our families was a pupil here. What is more, it always has a very friendly and war atmosphere. Also, we like it because we make new friends here!
Σας παρουσιάζουμε την πρώτη μας εργασία που είχε θέμα το σχολείο μας:
Our school
Our school is called the First Primary school of Hermoupoli Syros. It was built in 1934 and there are about 150 children who study in it.The outside walls are yellow, orange and white. There is a huge public clock tower in the school yard as well as two trees and a garden. We have also got a shed under which we go when it rains.
Our school is quite big, one of the largest in Syros. It has got eight classrooms, the teachers’ office as well as the headmaster’s office. There is also a music room, a computer room, a multimedia room and a storeroom for the athletic equipment.
Our class is on the first floor. The view to the harbour is fantastic from our classroom! There is a nice stage for theatrical performances at the back whereas on the opposite side there is a huge door separating our classroom from the next classroom. When this door opens, the two classrooms become one big assembly hall.
We love our school because it is old so almost every member of our families was a pupil here. What is more, it always has a very friendly and war atmosphere. Also, we like it because we make new friends here!
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ την κυρία Μαρούσα για τη βοήθειά της!
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Ομαδικές Ιστορίες
Οι ομάδες της τάξης μας προσπάθησαν να γράψουν μια ιστορία με τη βοήθεια εικόνων που είχαν στη διάθεσή τους. Έπειτα, το κάθε παιδί έφτιαξε μια ζωγραφιά σχετική με την ιστορία της ομάδας του:
Μια φορά κι ένα καιρό ήταν ένα ελάφι που ζούσε σε ένα καταπράσινο δάσος. Αυτό το δάσος ήταν το πιο γνωστό σε όλη την Ελλάδα.
Δεν είχε καεί ποτέ! Μια μέρα όμως έπιασε φωτιά. Ήταν η πρώτη και η τελευταία φορά που κάηκε…
Οι κάτοικοι που ζούσαν δίπλα από το δάσος φοβήθηκαν κι έφυγαν για να γλιτώσουν. Κάλεσαν την Πυροσβεστική και η Πυροσβεστική κάλεσε ένα ελικόπτερο. Εκείνοι έσβησαν τη φωτιά και το δάσος γλίτωσε αλλά παρέμεινε μαύρο. Το μόνο χρώμα που υπήρχε ήταν ένα λουλούδι που δημιουργήθηκε από το νερό.
Κάποια στιγμή όμως ήρθε ο Άγιος Βασίλης και κατά λάθος το πάτησε. Τότε, στεναχωρήθηκε και έφυγε. Το δάσος έγινε ολόμαυρο…
Ο Άγιος Βασίλης έκλαψε τόσο πολύ, που δημιουργήθηκε μια μεγάλη λίμνη από τα δάκρυά του. Από αυτή τη λίμνη γεννήθηκε ένα δάσος πολύχρωμο! Έτσι, το ελάφι και τα υπόλοιπα ζώα έζησαν χαρούμενα κι ευτυχισμένα!
Και ζήσαν αυτοί καλά κι εμείς καλύτερα!
Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό ήταν ένα ελάφι που περπατούσε σε ένα καταπράσινο δάσος. Το δάσος πήρε ξαφνικά φωτιά, επειδή ο ήλιος ήταν πολύ ζεστός.
Όμως περνούσε από εκεί ένας άνθρωπος που κρατούσε έναν κουβά με νερό. Έριξε το νερό πάνω στη φωτιά και μετά κάλεσε την Πυροσβεστική. Τελικά, δεν κατάφεραν και πολλά πράγματα. Κάλεσαν κι ένα πυροσβεστικό αεροπλάνο αλλά ένα μεγάλο μέρος του δάσους κάηκε…
Το ελάφι και τα άλλα ζώα ήταν ευτυχισμένα που σώθηκαν αλλά το δάσος παρέμεινε ξερό για πολύ καιρό…
Ομάδα: Τα παιδιά της Ιστορίας
Πριν από πολλά χρόνια, στη Βόρεια Αφρική, υπήρχε ένα δάσος με ωραία φυτά και δέντρα. Εκεί υπήρχε μια φυλή ελαφιών και ταράνδων.
Μια νύχτα κάποιοι κατασκηνωτές είχαν βάλει σκηνές και για να ζεσταθούν άναψαν φωτιά. Μόλις η φυλή είδε την φωτιά, έτρεξαν καταπάνω της για να τη σβήσουν. Η φωτιά όμως πήγε σε ένα δέντρο και σιγά – σιγά κάηκε σχεδόν όλο το δάσος. Οι άνθρωποι προσπάθησαν να σβήσουν τη φωτιά αλλά την έκαναν πιο δυνατή.
Δύο ελαφάκια είχαν μείνει άφωνα και έτρεχαν προς το σπίτι του δασοφύλακα. Μόλις βγήκε έξω ο δασοφύλακας, είδε τη φωτιά και προσπάθησε να πάρει τηλέφωνο το πυροσβεστικό αεροπλάνο. Δυστυχώς δεν τα κατάφερε…
Ξαφνικά είδαν να πέφτει νερό, λες και ήταν καταρράκτης. Ήταν το πυροσβεστικό αεροπλάνο! Τα κατάφεραν! Τότε η φωτιά έσβησε.
Τα ελάφια σώθηκαν μαζί με το δάσος της Βόρειας Αφρικής. Δυστυχώς το δάσος άργησε πολύ να ανθίσει ξανά αλλά τα ελάφια ήταν χαρούμενα που είχαν σωθεί.
Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό ήταν ένα ελάφι και ζούσε σε ένα πολύ μακρινό καταπράσινο δάσος.
Μετά όμως πήγε ένας κακός άνθρωπος και άναψε φωτιά. Τότε, ένας άλλος κάλεσε το 199 και άναψαν οι σειρήνες της Πυροσβεστικής. Πήγαν τα αεροπλάνα και πετούσαν νερό. Μετά από λίγα λεπτά όλα τα σύνεργα της Πυροσβεστικής ήταν εκεί. Η φωτιά τελικά έσβησε και όλοι οι κάτοικοι της περιοχής μαζεύτηκαν για να δουν τα κατορθώματα των πυροσβεστών.
Οι άνθρωποι της πόλης πήγαν στο δάσος για να δουν τους κορμούς των δέντρων, μήπως και σώθηκε τίποτα. Επίσης, έψαχναν μήπως έμεινε κανένα ζώο ζωντανό. Τελικά, βρήκαν το ελάφι που ήταν τραυματισμένο και το γιάτρεψαν.
Το δάσος έγινε πάλι πράσινο με ωραία λουλούδια, μαργαρίτες, τριαντάφυλλα, παπαρούνες, βασιλικό και πολλά ωραία φυτά.
Ομάδα: Η συνεργάσιμη ομάδα
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